Belief Therapy
Your MIND is the gateway to all the provisions that you need to be successful
AS BELIEF THERAPISTS – We know that people do what they do based on what they believe. As a result – Whatever you FOCUS on EXPANDS – Good or Bad. Many times, these beliefs are based on LIES, DECEPTIONS, NEGATIVE THINKING, SELF DEFEATING THOUGHTS, and LEARNED DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR that has been deeply rooted in the lives and thought processes.
A lie is just as powerful as the truth if you believe it
KNOW the Distinction between - the IMPOSTER of Faith which is Mental Assent and Real Authentic Faith
Mental Assent looks so much like Faith that many are deceived into thinking they’re in Faith when they’re not. That’s why I call it the “Great Imposter”!
We help our clients to identify the lies replacing them with TRUTH. They are empowered to dismantle the strongholds, lies, deeply rooted beliefs and negative thought patterns that have contributed to catastrophic cycles of defeat. We guide them on a journey of TRANSFORMATION causing an avalanche of revelation provided by the truth principles needed to break the cycles of hopelessness.
A counterfeit representation of Faith - Mental Assent is a subtle form of self-deception having a crippling impact.
“The Litmus Test for Mental Assent is STRESS!”
To passionately believe in your heart, gravitate towards its probability and execute is how Core Belief helps to cement True Faith in our hearts. This is the process in which Authentic Faith is formed.
The 5 Steps of Faith embraces this belief methodology.
It empowers you to develop true Faith by connecting the beliefs in your head Mental Assent to Core Beliefs in your heart to build a solid foundation of Faith that Overcomes!
We help our clients to identify the lies replacing them with the TRUTH. They are empowered to dismantle the strongholds, lies, deeply rooted beliefs and negative thought patterns that have contributed to catastrophic cycles of defeat.
We guide them on a journey of TRANSFORMATION causing an avalanche of revelation provided by the truth principles needed to break the cycles of hopelessness.